About Phil Town,
Founder of Rule #1 Investing

“ Investing on your own is one of the most rewarding ways
you can plan your financial future and early retirement.”
I was extremely fortunate to have a mentor come into my life at a time when I was a Grand Canyon River guide making only $4,000 a year and teach me how to use a proven formula for investing that is built on the foundation of Ben Graham and Warren Buffett’s strategy.
Investing can be as easy as knowing how to shop around and find something great for an even better price.



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It is my mission to empower individual investors around the world to take control of their money and transform their lives the Rule #1 way.
I want to help the little guys, people like you and me, gain financial freedom by using simple principles that investors like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have been using for over 80 years.
To make these critical principles available to everyone who wants to learn how to invest I wrote three books about them, all of which became New York Times best-sellers. In addition, I’ve spoken about these principles to over 2 million people on an arena speaking tour with Presidents Ford, Carter, and Bush as well as many other notables including Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher, Benjamin Netanyahu, and General Secretary Mikail Gorbachev. I’ve also made guest appearances on CNBC and MSNBC and created over 300 podcast episodes discussing these principles of investing with my daughter Danielle that now have millions of downloads.
I have a passion for investing and I can’t wait to share the Rule #1 principles with you so you can achieve your own financial freedom and set yourself and your family for generational wealth.
Now, go play!